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Gobius Pro 12v / 24v

Gobius Pro 12v / 24v
Product Information:

 A Revolution in Tank Monitoring

The new Gobius Pro measures tanks of all kinds

of materials and fluids from the outside. Now

with Bluetooth communication built into

every sensor. And a clever builtin calibration

functionality saves time and minimizes cost.

Sensor Technology with Bluetooth

You could say “Knock and listen” but it’s more sophisticated than that. A Gobius sensor exerts force onto a tank wall and causes it to vibrate. An accelerometer is part of the sensor and it measures the vibrations. The processor’s algorithm calculates a vibration value each time the sensor performs a measurement.

The Gobius Pro sensor is mounted on the outside of metal or plastic fluid tanks. No more mounting on the inside of the tank, no more drilling of holes. The sensor can work alone on a tank but also together with several Gobius Pro sensors.

The sensor has built-in Bluetooth communication for

Android and iOS phones. In addition, the sensor has two outputs for integration, for example, in Bus-systems, control relays, lights or buzzers. Useful for all kinds of fluids, like fresh water, fuel, oil, grey/black water and waste water.

Unique advantages:

  • Quick and easy installation
  • Bluetooth communication
  • 2 digital outputs, on/of signals
  • Mounted on the outside of the tank, nothing on the inside
  • No need to drill holes
  • Easy to retrofit on tank already installed
  • Never in contact with the contents of the tank
  • Handles tanks with aggressive and sterile liquids
  • No risk of leakage or odour
  • Cost-effective
  • All setup using phone or tablet
  • Use up to 9 sensors on one tank
  • Choose to calibrate with full or empty tank
  • Online Support

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Gobius Pro 12v / 24v
Gobius Pro 12v / 24v
Gobius Pro 12v / 24v
Gobius Pro 12v / 24v

A full specification of this product will be completed shortly.
