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Sanimarin SN35 Spare Parts

Sanimarin SN35 Spare Parts
Product Information:

*Rectangular Touch Pad Model Only*

Post 2015

Please note not all parts are available from stock.
If parts are required urgently please contact us for availability.


Points for consideration   

When ordering parts 5, 20, 19, 18 Motors and Mechanical Seals individually please ensure part number (20) Pump Housing is coloured Black this is for models after 2015.

If you have a White pump housing part (20) this has a different sized shaft and mechanical seal, please contact us prior to placing any orders.

There have been many changes over the years to the internal workings and control boxes, if your toilet is pre 2015 or has a square touch panel please contact us as a majority of parts are still available.


Only LeeSan truly specialise in toilets, call to speak to our knowledgeable staff.




Include VAT:

VAT included in prices.

A full specification of this product will be completed shortly.
