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Whale Gulper Waste Diaphragm Pump, 12v or 24v DC

Whale Gulper Waste Diaphragm Pump, 12v or 24v DC
Product Information:

Available in 12v or 24v DC


Gulper Toilet Pump For Holding Tanks 

  • Up to 18 ltrs (4.75 US gal) per minute
  • Virtually unblockable
  • Pumps unmacerated waste
  • Rotatable inlet and outlet allows flexibility which installing in awkward locations
  • Self priming up to 3 m (9.8 ft)
  • Can be mounted in most convenient part of boat
  • Easy to maintain
  • Can run dry without damage
  • Large single diaphragm
  • Pumps a mixture of air and waste

Only LeeSan truly specialise in toilets, call to speak to our knowledgeable staff.




Include VAT:

VAT included in prices.

A full specification of this product will be completed shortly.
