Belfast Harbour Pump Out, Belfast


Lee Sanitation the UK’s No. Supplier and installer of pump out stations was approached recently by Belfast Harbour Commission to examine the existing arrangements for sanitation waste at their Belfast Harbour Marina.



The existing system was installed almost 10 years ago and had not given good service, so with this in mind, along with future plans to increase the number of berths the Team at LeeSan were tasked with specifying an efficient system and reconfiguring the existing infrastructure so that it would meet the criteria.
LeeSan installed a Leestrom LS160-WTS station which has an integral transfer unit. The transfer unit allows for an efficient discharge of the waste through smaller diameter pipework over maximum distances and heads.
The system was successfully commissioned and handed over to the client at the beginning of October 2018.
To complete the relationship with the Harbour Commissioners LeeSan have arranged for local pump engineering company FM Environmental to ensure that the system would continue to give good service for many years by affording prompt ongoing servicing and maintenance.


