Cardiff Harbour Bilge Waste Transfer System, Wales




The Bilge Waste Transfer Station, bilge and black water pump out


LeeSan, the Marine Sanitation specialists, has just completed the construction, installation and commissioning of the replacement Bilge Waste Transfer Station for Cardiff Harbour.
The custom-built unit, uses many elements from the company’s comprehensive range of specialist equipment for black and grey water waste handling and replaces the old equipment which had been in place since 2003.
The system features two pumps for suction and two for discharge providing double redundancy. This ensures that in the event of a pump failure in either direction the station will still operate effectively, allowing engineers time to work on and rectify any fault.
The new equipment continuously separates the tank contents through filters and pumps the water away to the main sewer via the existing Elsan facility.
Meanwhile, electronic monitors calculate the percentage of oil remaining and alert the operators when it reaches a specified level. The oil is then tankered out. Experience suggests that this will be required at about two-year intervals.
Everything in the system has been specifically built to meet the customer’s requirements. The tank unit has been fabricated from a combination of HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) and GRP.  All of the tanks involved in the installation have been fabricated with 110% bund and are installed, along with the pumps, in a purpose-built pump room conveniently sited on the pontoon.
Double Redundancy twin pump system with tank behind
Filtration and control panel

Currently all of the facilities including holding tank and bilge pump out, as well as portable toilet disposal, can be used by customers without the need for an operator and at the time of writing are free of charge.

The installation was completed in March 2019.

